International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical

Review and Research

e-ISSN: 0976 822X

p-ISSN: 2961-6042

NMC Approved Peer Review Journal


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1. Evaluation of Push-Pull Osmotic Tablets of Anti-Retroviral DrugZidovudine
Vedha Hari B.N., Prasoon P, Ramya Devi D
Push-pull osmotic tablets can be used for the delivery of drugs which are poorly water-soluble and water soluble at a sonstant rate.  Zidovudine is pyrimidine nucleoside analogue, first US FDA approved drug used for selective action against Human Immuno deficiency Virus.  It is commercially available in the form of capsules, tablets, and syrup for oral administration of dose of three to four times a day. The objective of this study is to develop Push-pull osmotic tablets of antiretroviral drug, Zidovudine and evaluate its compatibility and suitability in the applications meant for sustained release oral drug delivery system providing, enhanced efficacy, reduced side effects and improves patience compliance. Preparation of PPOP involved the fabrication of bilayered tablets with the dug layer, containing zidovudine, HPMC 3000 cps and polymeric expansion push layer containing HPMC K4M. The effect of polymer ratios on release characteristics and optimization of suitable concentration of cellulose acetate coat formulations for forming rigid, stable, sustained release film were investigated. The coated tablets are manually drilled at the face of drug layer using a 0.5 mm gauge size needle. The pre-coated and coated tablets were subjected to various post–compression evaluation studies and appearance, in-vitro drug release and welling index of PPOTS were studied. The drug release from the formulations were found to follow of Korsmeyer-Peppas kinetics and   FTIR and DSC studies revealed that the dug is stable and  there is no interaction with the excipients.

2.Agenesis of the Wisdom Tooth -A Short Review
Agenesis of teeth in a patient who also presents with a supernumerary tooth is one of the rare numerical anomalies in human dentition. Agenesis of third molars was found to be related with other missing permanent teeth. A major decision of evolution is that the human jaw has shrunk from its much larger ape size to the smaller modern human size as humans evolved.Wisdom tooth agenesis is connected to the evolution and growth of the human jaw,since it is the last tooth to develop in the human dentition.  Alterations in the size, morphology and number of teeth are among the many inherited disorders that have been reported in individuals with Down syndrome.

3. Complications of Third Molar Surgery-Review Article
This article addresses the incidence of specific complications. Surgical removal of third molars is often associated with postoperative pain, swelling, and trismus. Factors thought to influence the incidence of complications after third molar removal include age, gender, medical history, oral contraceptives, presence of  pericoronitis, poor oral hygiene, smoking, type of impaction, relationship of third molar to the inferior alveolar nerve, surgical time, surgical technique, surgeon experience, use of perioperative antibiotics, use of topical antiseptics, use of intra-socket medications, and anesthetic technique. Complications that are discussed further include alveolar osteitis, postoperative infection, haemorrhage, oro-antral communication, damage to adjacent teeth, displaced teeth, and fractures.
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Impact Factor: 2.921

NMC Approved Embase Indexed

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