International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical

Review and Research

e-ISSN: 0976 822X

p-ISSN: 2961-6042

NMC Approved Peer Review Journal


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1. Formulation and Evaluation of Bilayer Floating Matrix Tablets For Captopril
Gaikwad V. D., Yadav V. D., Jadhav P. D.

2. Hepatoprotective Activity of Gymnosporia emerginata (Willd) and Marsedenia volubillis (Linn.F) Stapf Against Paracetamol Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats
Asma Rubab, K. Hemamalini, G Shashi Priya, Uma Vasireddy

3. Phytochemical  Examination  of Corchorus olitorius Leaves

4. Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity of Bacillus cereus And Bacillus pumillus Metaboites Against Human Pathogens.
Vijaya Kumar M L, Thippeswamy B, Shivakumar C K

5. A Review on Tinospora cordifolia
U. Spandana, Shaik Liakhat Ali, T.Nirmala, M.Santhi, SD. Sipai Babu
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Impact Factor: 2.921

NMC Approved Embase Indexed

This journal is peer Reviewed Journal